III Polish-Ukrainian Workshop ‘Innovative trends in Organizational and Work Psychology in Poland and Ukraine’ September, 4, 2012, Katowice, Poland
The Ukrainian part was presented by 10 members of UAWOP (researchers and PhD students): Liudmyla Karamushka, head, Laboratory of organizational psychology of Institute of Psychology, President of UAOWP, Dr., Prof.; Elena Bondarchuk, head, dept. of Psychology of Management, University of educational management", Dr., Prof.; Oksana Kredentser, Ph.D; Kira Tereshchenko, Ph.D; Valentina Lahodzinska, Ph.D; Irina Abdullayeva, PhD student; Kateryna Okhotnytska, PhD student; Sergiy Okhotnytskyi, PhD student; Igor Rymarenko, PhD student; Yaroslava Goncharenko, PhD student. The workshop was attended by 12 Polish participants, including Barbara Kożusznik, director of the School of Management, University of Silesia, head, Dept. of Organizational and Work Psychology, University of Silesia, Dr., Prof.; Elżbieta Turska, PhD, researcher-lecturer, Dept. of Organizational and Work Psychology, University of Silesia; Yaroslav Polak, PhD, researcher-lecturer, Dept. of Organizational and Work Psychology, University of Silesia; Katarzyna Woyzeck-Yakubek, PhD, researcher-lecturer, Dept. of Organizational and Work Psychology, University of Silesia; Lukasz Lapinski, PhD, researcher-lecturer, Institute of Psychology, University of Silesia and others. The workshop started with the participants’ introducing themselves and telling briefly about their research work, key findings and achievements. The next part of the workshop included presentations on the development of Organizational and Work Psychology in Poland and Ukraine. In particular, the presentation by Dr., Prof. Barbara Kożusznik was devoted to the topical areas of Organizational and Work Psychology in Poland. The speaker stressed the need for practical implementation of research findings, development of training courses, and strengthening the ties between science and practice in training students at the School of Management. The report of Dr., Prof. Liudmyla Karamushka covered the main stages of the Ukrainian-Polish cooperation in the area of Organizational and Work Psychology. She described the way the participants had gone since the first meeting, the joint achievements and the prospects for further cooperation. The presentation of PhD Yaroslav Polak shed light to the issues of organizational values and team development. The report of PhD Michal Brol was devoted to the problem of education in the area of Organizational and Work Psychology. Then Liudmyla Karamushka and Oksana Kredentser presented the Book of workshop abstracts “Innovative Trends in Organizational and Work Psychology in Poland and Ukraine”. The book presentation and group discussion of the main trends in Organizational and Work Psychology and achievements done in this field by Ukrainian and Polish psychologists was followed by the work in small groups divided into three areas of interest: Professional career, Groups and teams, and Ethics and values. The participants of the Professional careergroup discussed the main problems encountered in researching professional career in Poland and Ukraine. The Polish colleagues presented the Center for Students’ Career Development organized in Silesia University whose work was found interesting and fruitful. The Ukrainian psychologists talked about the distinctive features of studying professional career in Ukraine (career orientations of school children, students, soldiers, managers etc; career orientation and development trainings held in institutions of higher education, etc.). The participants agreed to conduct relevant cross-cultural studies on the samples of Polish and Ukrainian students using the set of instruments developed by the Polish researchers. The main purpose of the Groups and teams group was to identify the main factors that improve group- and team-work effectiveness. The discussers determined the following general factors of group- and team-work effectiveness: socio-economic conditions in which organizations work, types of organizations, organizational climate and culture, leadership styles (management, authority), employees’ work (money) attitudes, gender, etc. The participants confirmed the importance of sharing experiences between the colleagues and doing research using the available tools. The work of the Ethics and values group covered the ethical aspects of organizations’ work. It was agreed that in their pursue of commercial success business organizations often breach ethical norms in interacting with customers. The participants discussed the findings of their researches of work motivation, spiritual values, employees’ attitudes toward customers and tolerance done in organizations of different types (educational, commercial, etc.). The participants agreed that ethical behaviors could be effectively promoted through employees’ psychological trainings. The workshop ended with the participants’ making conclusions about small groups work. The participants expressed their joy with the meeting and possibility of sharing professional experiences. The Polish and Ukrainian researchers enthusiastically agreed to hold such seminars and exchange research information on a regular basis. As an outcome, the parts decided to conclude an agreement about cooperation between the Ukrainian Association of Work and Organizational Psychologists and the Polish Association of Organizational Psychology and to hold another Ukrainian-Polish seminar in 2014. The workshop was crowned with a friendly dinner that took place at The White Stork restaurant. The colleagues had a good chance for informal talks and contacts. The results of the seminar are highlighted in the book Innovative Trends in Organizational and Work Psychology in Poland and Ukraine(Polish-Ukrainian seminar (September, 4, 2012, Katowice, Poland): Book of abstracts. Editors: Lyudmila Karamushka, Barbara Kożusznik. – Kyiv-Katowice: 2012. The e-version of the book is available at www.uaoppp.com.ua and www.pspo.org.
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