Late June - early July this year the picturesque ancient city of Kamianets-Podilsky witnessed a significant scientific event – the First Ukrainian Congress on Economic and Organizational Psychology. The Congress was organized and conducted by the Laboratory of Organizational psychology of the G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS Ukraine, Department of Psychology of Kamianets-Podilsky National University named after Ivan Ohienko, the Ukrainian Association of Organizational and Work Psychologists and the Center for Organizational and Economic Psychology.
The Congresswas preceded by a series of annual conferences on economic and organizational psychology held in different regions of Ukraine. Being the first event of this magnitude in Ukraine, the Kamianets-PodilskyCongresswas the logical continuation of a long-term professional collaboration between the Laboratory of organizational psychology, theUkrainian Association of Organizational and Work Psychologists and the leading national educational and scientific organizations.
The Congresswas attended by about 100 scientists and educators from different regions of Ukraine and from abroad.he Congress was greeted by the Polish Association of Organizational Psychology and the partner organization PSYCON Psychological Business Consultants, Wildeshausen, Germany.
The venueof the Congress was Kamenets NationalUniversity named after Ivan Ohienko and "GALA HOTEL" complex (Kamianets-Podilsky).
At the first plenary sessionthe participants listened to the reports about today’s challenges for economic and organizational psychology as well as the presentations that covered the history, achievements, and development of organizational and economic psychology in Ukraine.
Thesessionwas followed by an excursion around theKamianets-PodilskyNationalUniversitywhichallowedtheCongressparticipants to learn a lot of interesting facts about that educationalinstitution.
Among the issues considered at thesecondplenarysessionwere burnoutinmedical professions,correlations between perfectionism and individuals’ psychologicalwell-being, organizationconcepttransformation,expertassessment ofheads’ professionallyimportantqualitiesinpublicadministration, historyoftheinstitutionsofhighereducationasacomponentoftheirorganizationalculture,burnout of teachers atpreschooleducationalinstitutions, economics students’ attitudestowardmoney, development ofcommunicativecompetencein employment centermanagers, psychology of money, universitystudents’socio-psychologicalattitudes towardprofessionalcareer, etc.
The firstday of the Congress ended witha galareceptionwhich gave the Congress participants a good chance to get to know each other better.
The next daythe Congress had twothematic sections:Organizational Psychologyand Economic Psychology.
Thematicsection1(OrganizationalPsychology)hadinteresting presentationsoneducationalorganizationsoftraditionalandinnovativetypesand conditionsfortheir organizationaldevelopment, organizationalbehavior, bank staff teamwork readiness, civilservants’ motivationalprofile, educationalorganizationmanagers’ethnicidentity, university and high school students’ careerorientationdevelopment, managers’professional competences, psychologicalcharacteristicsofmessaging bysocialnetwork users, theformationofsocialidentityincivilservants, educational organization manager’change management readiness, futuremanagers’businesscommunicationtraining, stressmanagementinorganizations, psychologicaladaptationofpersonneltoeducationalorganizations merging, socialandpsychologicalclimateineducational organizations, etc.
The presentations made at thematicsection 2 (EconomicPsychology)consideredthedevelopmentofeconomicpsychologyinUkraine, organizations’ internationalcompetitiveness, psychologicalfactorsof self-efficiency intrade,prevention ofburnoutof employeesoftheStateTaxServiceofUkraine,therelationshipsbetweentheeducationalinstitution managers’entrepreneurialbehaviorandorganizationaldevelopment, team-buildinginorganizations, entrepreneurs’businessnegotiation competence, effects of theimageofmoneyonindividuals’economicbehavior, economicself-determinationofstudentsandother problems.
The Congress participants had a fascinating tour of Kamianets-Podilskyenjoying the sights of the OldTown, the Town Hall, the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the Dominican and Franciscan Monasteries and the Kamianets-Podilsky Fortress built as far back as the XII-th century.
During thethirddayof the Congress the participants attended the workshop held by a business consultant UteSchmidt-Brass (Germany). The World Café interactive technique allowed the colleagues to exchange views and ideas about the topical issues of Organizational Psychology and Economic Psychology in Ukraine.
The next daythe heads of the sections reported on the main work results of their sections. Besides, the winners of The Best Congress Presentationcontest were announced.
An interestingcontinuation of the day was a trip to the architectural and historical complex Khotyn Fortresslocated on the picturesque bank of the Dniester river..
The nextdaysaw the meeting ofthe Ukrainian Association of Organizational and Work Psychologists with the report about the Association’s activities over the last year and plans for the future.
The day was continued by a guided tour to theBakotaMonastery in the Podilsky National Park which will be long remembered by the Congress participants. After that there was an open airbuffet with informal talks, dances and fun.
The Congressenriched its participants with unforgettable memories of the wonderful places and valuable experience.
The presentations made at the Congresscan be found inThe Issuesof Economic and Organizational Psychology in Ukraine: abstracts of theFirst UkrainianCongress on Organizational and Economic Psychology(June, 29 –July, 2,2011, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine) / editors S.D. Maksimenko, L.M. Karamushka. – K. – Kamianets-Podilsky: Axioma, 2011. – 190 pages».