On October, 20-24, 2010 the Laboratory of Organizational Psychology of the Institute of Psychology (Kyiv), the Ukrainian Association of Organizational and Work Psychologists and the University of Educational Management of the NAPS of Ukraine and the Chair of Work and Organizational Psychology of the University of Silesia and the Polish Association of Organizational Psychologists held a workshop WOP problems and challenges in Poland and Ukraine.
The purpose of the workshop was to discuss the current research results and plan the future co-operation. The workshop was the next step in collaboration with the University of Silesia (Katowice). The first workshop «The problems and challenges of organizational and work psychology in Poland and Ukraine»was held in Katowice (Poland) in September, 2009.
The workshop was held under the auspices of the European Network of Organizational Psychologists(ENOP) and Division 1 of the International Association off Applied Psychology(IAAP)and financial support of the ENOP.
The Ukrainian and Polish parts were represented by21 and 13 participants respectively among whom were teachers of psychology, researchers, PhD students.
The welcome speeches were made by Prof. Sergi Maksymenko, Director of the Kostyuk Institute of psychology of the NAPS of Ukraine, Prof. Liudmyla Vaschenko, Director of the Institute of Educational Management, Prof. Ludmila Karamushka, Head of the Laboratory of organizational psychology of the Kostyuk Institute of psychology of the NAPS of Ukraine, president of the UAOWP, and Prof. Barbara Kożusznik, pro-rector of the University of Silesia.
The workshop covered a wide range of issues in the area of WOP, in particular those of innovation management, competitiveness, career, social influence, organizational commitment, professional ethics, etc.
The first day of the workshopr saw the oral presentations of the following presenters:Correlations between distinctive features of competitiveness of educational services and levels of development of educational organizations (Maksymenko, S., Karamushka, L., Fil, A. Ukraine); Distinctive features of organizational development of educational organizations of traditional and innovative types (Karamushka, L., Ukraine); Psychological factors of innovativeness(Kożusznik, B, Poland); Cognitive characteristics of heads of educational organizations as a factor of encouragement of organizational development (Bondarchuk, O., Ukraine); Social influence in virtual teams in organizations (Pollak, A., Poland);Are the Ukrainian organizations ready for ethical organizational changes?(Vynoslavska, O., Ukraine);Performance appraisal systems in traditional and non-traditional forms of employment (Dobrowolska, M., Poland)
On the second day the following oral presentations were made:Career goals at the beginning of work based on university graduates replies(Smorczewska, B., Poland); PhD A Career in the Context of Changes in the Contemporary Labor Market(Turska, E., Stasiła-Sieradzka, M., Diec, A., Poland); The problem of competition in work of organizations of the civil service system(Fil, A , Ukraine);Correlations between job stressors, job resources and well-being in Ukrainian State Tax Service åemployees (Grubi, T. Ukraine);Religiosity and organizational commitment (Polak, J.,Chrupała-Pniak, M., Poland);Determinants of the attitudes of Ukrainians and Russians in Ukraine to ethnic and social-economic issues under social transformations (Tereshchenko, K., Ukraine);Individualism, Collectivism and Work ethic (Grabowski, D., Poland);Traditional and modern concepts explaining the effectiveness of social influence tactics (Pollak, A., Poland).
The second part of the workshop was a poster session represented by the following posters:Analysis of managers’ personality characteristics needed to manage innovative changes in educational institutions (Ivkin, V., Ukraine);. Internal competitiveness factors of an entrepreneur as perceived by entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs (Galagan, L., Ukraine); Developing a Psychodiagnostic Tool to Measure Social Responsibility of Personality (Kovalchuk, Olena, Ukraine);Trainingof entrepreneursin ethical management by organizational change (Kononets, M., Ukraine); Analysis of levels of professional stress in managers of construction organizations under economic crisis (Kozubay, N., Ukraine);Investigation of entrepreneurs’ readiness to take business risks (Kredentser, O., Ukraine)
The participants took special interest in The World café interactive technique presented by Ute Schmidt-Brasse, a business counselor from Germany. Using the technique the participants investigated basic ways of and overcoming obstacles in innovative change making in Ukrainian and Polish organizations.
During the special discussion which took place in workshop the Ukrainian and Polish participants worked out different cooperation plans and outlined main areas of joint research projects to be performed in Poland and Ukraine.
Besides work sessions, the workshop saw a number of informal Ukrainian-Polish meetings and get-togethers, one of them being an informal dinner, which allowed the participants to know each other better as well as to get a deeper understanding of the countries’ cultures, customs and traditions. The diverse social program included a guided sight-seeing tour of Kyiv, excursions to the Kyiv-Pechersk monastery and the Pirogovo ethnographic museum.
The workshop gave the participants a good opportunity to present their research findings, share experience and outline the ways of future collaboration. The Ukrainian and Polish researchers, practitioners and lecturers were unanimous in their desire to hold similar events in future as well as exchange information in the field of WOP.
The results of the workshop are reflected in the bookPsychological aspects of innovative changes in organization and organizational development (Ukrainian-Polish Workshop, 20–24 October 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine) : Programme. Book of abstracts. Editors : Liudmyla Karamushka, Barbara Kożusznik. – Kyiv : Interlink, 2010. –128 pages.