3-6 жовтня 2007 р. в м. Києві відбулася Xth European Conference on Organizational Psychology and Human Service Work
Working life in Europe is changing rapidly, also as far as human service work is concerned. To provide an arena for analyses and discussions of these developments, the European Network of Organizational Psychology (ENOP) initiated in 1985 a series of conferences on Work and Organizational Psychology. Originally these conferences exclusively focussed on health care, but later they developed into a broader field of human service work.
ENOP regular, Xth, European Conference on Organizational Psychology and Human Service Work took place in Kyiv, Ukraine on October, 3-6, 2007.
The conference was organized by the European Network of Organizational Psychology (ENOP), Paris, France in cooperation with Kostyuk Institute of Psychology (Laboratory of Organizational Psychology), Ukrainian Association of Work and Organizational Psychologists (UAOWP) and the Centre of Organizational and Economic Psychology, Kyiv, Ukraine.
This conference was quite symbolic.
Firstly, it wasthejubilee(tenth) conferencethatreflectedsome traditions and achievementsinthefieldofOrganizationalPsychologyandHumanServiceWorkwhichfoundations were laid ten years ago by the representatives of the European Network of Organizational and Work psychologists, particularly by Jose Maria Piero andWilmar Shaufeli.
Secondly, itwasthefirsttimeeverthatUkrainehadhostedtheconferenceofthistype. It wastheresultofa closecooperationbetweenENOPandtheUkrainianAssociationofOrganizationalandWorkPsychologists.
Thefirstrealeventproducedby thiscooperationwasthe 1st International Workshop“Organizational, Work and Economic Psychology in Ukraine in the context of European Integration”(May,2004)attendedbythreeENOP members (Bernhard Wilpert, Vincent Rogard, Jose Maria Piero). The workshop adopted the program “Development of Organizational, Work and Economic Psychology in Ukraine in the context of European integration” (2004-2014).
Thirdly, thisconferencewassponsoredbyEAWOP(European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology)of which the Ukrainian Association have been aconstituentsince 2005. The EAWOPpresident Franco Fraccaroli, the president of the 13th EAWOP Congress, member of ENOP Gunn Johanssonn, and a member of the EAWOP Executive Committee Munduate, Lourdes, and aformermember of the EAWOP Executive Committee Ute Schmidt-Brassetook part in this conference.
The main goal of the conference was exchange of ideas and research findings between representatives of various countries and schools of WOP and promotion of this field of on organizational psychology and human service work in Europe.
45 participants took part in the conference from 9 Countries of EU (Belgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden),and also from Ukraine, Republic of Belarus and Iran.
The Conference offered a wide range of well-selected oral and poster presentations in the field of organizational psychology and human service work. Most of the presentations related the conference topic ‘Work and Organizational Psychology in human services organizations: different European perspectives’.
The conference had 5 oral and 3 poster sessions. The oral sessions considered the following subjects: “Stress and individual factors”; “Burnout, stress and organizational factors”; “Burnout, stress and change processes”; “Occupational health and safety job involvement”; “Job demands, job resources and health care”.
The poster presentations discussed the following issues: “Stress, change and innovative processes”; “Stress, well-being and organizational factors”; “Health care for special processes”.
The participants listened to and discussed two keynote presentations made by Prof.Jozien Bensing (Netherlands Institute of Health Services Research, Netherlands) who considered pressure on the medical consultation, in part the influence of work-related stressors on communication between health professionals and patient, andmember of ENOP, Prof. Santiago D Quijano (Social Psychology Department, Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona, Spain) who analyzed the results of a cross-cultural study of the structure of the construct ‘people results’ according to the EFQM model in the health care sector of some European countries.
The participants stood in a minute’s silence to commemorate the outstanding psychologist and a founding father of ENOP Prof. Bernhard Wilpert.
The conference proceedings Xth European Conference on Organizational Psychology and Human Service Work «Work and organizational Psychology in Human Services Organizations: different European perspectives» (3–6 October 2007, Kyiv, Ukraine): Editors: Lyudmila Karamushka, José M. Peiró, Wilmar Schaufeli.Kyiv,«Naukovyi svit», 2007 were prepared and published.
The participants were unanimous in their favorable opinions about good conference organization, friendly atmosphere, and interesting social program which allowed to know better Ukraine, its people and the capital.
Members of Scientific Committer of Conference:
Lyudmila Karamushka,
Instituteof Psychology,
Laboratory of
Organizational Psychology,
(Kyiv, Ukraine)
Prof. Jose M. Peiró
Universitat de València
Department of Social Psychology
(Valencia, Spain)
Prof. Dr. Wilmar Schaufeli
Utrecht University
Department of Social and
Organizational Psychology
(Utrecht, The Netherlands)
NEWSLETTER, No. 53, October, 2007)