26-27 жовтня 2009 р., в Таллінні (Естонія) відбулася нарада з проблем впровадження підходів до розробки Європейського диплому з психології в Балтійських країнах. Президент УАОППП Карамушка Л.М. прийняла участь у даній нараді.
Нижче наведено статтю про дану нараду, яка передрукованаз NewsletterENOP, # 58, March2010(з дозволу редколегії цього видання)
Baltic Area Alliance
EAWOP supported a meeting of representatives from Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Ukraine held in Tallinnover 26 and 27 October 2009. Angela Carter facilitated the event on behalf of EAWOP EC. The meeting continued with each of the representatives described their own situation in relation to WOP; its: representation, education, need for regulation and professional development.
A previous EAWOP Task Force Workshop on Work and Organizational Psychology in Baltic Sea Area held on 27. - 28.10.2006 Tallinn, Estonia.
The current meeting went on to clarify issues of WOP work in more detail in the Baltic Area. The representatives found they had much in common in their development needs and formed a group called the Baltic Area Alliance Board (BAAB). Members of the Baltic Area Alliance Board are: Matti Vartiainen (Finland), Leena Korppoo (Finland), Angela Carter (UK, EAWOP EC), Mare Teichmann (Estonia), Barbara Kozusznik (Poland), Timurs Czou (Latvia, LSIOP), Liudmyla Karamushka (Ukraine, UAOWP), Jurgita Lazauskaite (Luithunaia).
After the presentations of the delegates and vital discussion the delegates find out various initiatives that would meet their needs. The following EAWOP plan (2009-2012) was established to support development of WOP in the Baltic area.
Overall Top iniatives
A shared WOP curriculum for postgraduate students (Advanced European Diploma (AED) / EuorPsy Diploma in WOP)across members of the alliance.
Continuing professional development especially to support practitioners.
A common project across the Alliance – gap analyses of country resources against the WOP postgraduate curriculum, dissemination of AED and EuroPsy to universities.
Submitted by:
Prof. Mare Teichmann,
TallinnUniversityof Technology
(Tallinn, Estonia)