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Про учать членів УАОППП в X Європейському конгресі з психології

3-6 липня 2007 р. у Празі (Чеська республіка) відбувся X Європейський конгрес з психології.

Європейські конгреси з психології відбуваються кожні два роки в різних країнах Європи з метою обговорення здобутків та актуальних проблем психології за певний період та сприяння розвитку психологічної науки.

 Члени УАОППП дистанційно прийняли участь  в X Європейському конгресі з психології. Вони  опублікували такі тези в збірнику конгресу:


  1. Bondarchuk, O. Distinctive features of managerial work of secondary school heads as a factor of their professional deformation // Abstracts of Xth European Congress of Psychology. Prague, Czech Republic, 3-6 July, 2007.  (Abstract, CD-ROM).
  2. Karamushka, L. Distinctive features of attitude toward change in managers of educational organizations // Abstracts of Xth European Congress of Psychology. Prague, Czech Republic, 3-6 July, 2007.  (Abstract, CD-ROM).
  3. Karamushka, L., Chernyavska, V. Correlations between career orientations and attitude to change in students of management // Abstracts of Xth European Congress of Psychology. Prague, Czech Republic, 3-6 July, 2007.  (Abstract, CD-ROM).
  4. Karamushka, L., Fil, A.A system of training courses to develop competitive management team work competence in educational organization employees // Abstracts of Xth European Congress of Psychology. Prague, Czech Republic, 3-6 July 2007.  (Abstract, CD-ROM).
  5. Karamushka, L., Fil, A., Mikhailenko, V. Correlations between educational organization and district administration personnel orientations toward team work and their age and length of work // Abstracts of Xth European Congress of Psychology. Prague, Czech Republic, 3-6 July,2007.  (Abstract, CD-ROM).Karamushka, L., Fil, A., Tereshchenko, K.  Development of competitiveness-relevant characteristics in students of economics at an industrial college // Abstracts of Xth European Congress of Psychology. Prague, Czech Republic, 3-6 July, 2007.  (Abstract, CD-ROM).
  6. Karamushka, L., Poplavska, A. Types of servicemen career orientations // Abstracts of Xth European Congress of Psychology. Prague, Czech Republic, 3-6 July,2007.  (Abstract, CD-ROM).
  7. Karamushka, L.,Pankovets, V. Peculiar manifestations of professional stress in managers of educational organizations // Abstracts of Xth European Congress of Psychology. Prague, Czech Republic, 3-6 July,2007.  (Abstract, CD-ROM).
  8. Ivkin, V. Distinctive features of educational organization manager change management competence // Abstracts of Xth European Congress of Psychology. Prague, Czech Republic, 3-6 July, 2007.  (Abstract, CD-ROM).
  9. Kredentser, O. Correlations between levels of development and types of businessmens entrepreneurship-relevant attributes and businessmens socio-demographic characteristics in commerce // Abstracts of Xth European Congress of Psychology. Prague, Czech Republic, 3-6 July, 2007.  (Abstract, CD-ROM).